Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Bugs in the system...

All of my purchases for the last 40 hours or so have been directly related to dealing with virus's (sp) in me or my computer. Be it the excitement of the Dec. 27 door crasher for an external hard drive so I can restore my laptop, all because of a virus that won't leave, or the immodium, Pepto, and gingerale (which my loving wife taught me how to flatten in a hurry) for the virus inside me. I had less than a quarter plate of X-mas dinner, but am starting to feel better. I hope the same can be said for my cpu by the time i am done.

I have backed up every file I can think of separately on the hard drive, and then ran a 'back up in case of disaster' program that came with the hard drive. Now it is all done, and i am about to 'create a disaster'. (run the dreaded restore disk which wipes the slate completely clean and makes the computer like the day i bought it) (like Jesus for computers?) Well, hope all the back ups worked so I can return to blogging, e-mailing, and everything else in my life dependant upon this piece of Futureshop. (not sure spiritual illustration to that, if the restore is Jesus for the computer.)

alright, here I go...bye, buy, by

Saturday, December 17, 2005

So, let me continue my rants of personal greatness (deserving of at least a drink). At Cosco, Saturday noon, last shopping weekend before Christmas. How long did me and my fam wait in line? 4.5 minutes. We did not follow the pack that just clogged the isle on the way to check out, where average waiting times looked like 20 minutes or more. We took some back roads to approach check out from the other less direct side.

I am not saying this makes me a hero, but Cosco, Saturday before Christmas, 4.5 minutes? I will drink to that if someone will buy. Bye.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The warrenty king is alive and well.

That would be me, if you did not know. (look for the picutres of me posed in futureshop for confiration)

I just took my car in for warrenty inspection at Wheaton Pontiac. The warrenty goes until 60,000 and I rolled into the garage at 59,996 km. Sure enough, they found stuff that needed fixing and was under warrenty.

Anything to save a buck when your the type of guy who has to buy his own drinks.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

'Mother, I hath been slain' Shakespear quote, I think...and how I feel upon finding out that infact that single blonde did not buy my drink, the server did not place my drink on the bill, by mistake. Not a gift, blessing, or otherwise, just a mistake that I have happened to benifit from. It is okay, I have all I can ask for in a beautiful wife and handsom son, both of whom love and need me, and the occational blunder of a server to encourage me falsely when I need it. Good night.

Monday, December 12, 2005

So, last night a single blonde lady bought me a drink at the lounge I was at. hmmm. glad I was amoung friends.

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

If a tree falls in a house, and all the decorations also fall off of it, but no one is in the house to hear it or kill the cat that knocked it over, does it really make a noise?

We (my wife) got in the festive spirit this weekend by putting up the tree and decorating it. We returned home once on Saturday to find it knocked down (by our stupid freakshow six-toed cat) and after dropping Amanda off at work, I returned home again to find it knocked down. I left it down for the night, not wanting to wake up to more frustration, but upon returning home one more time this weekend, not being able to see our lovely tree through the living room window as i drove up, I wondered how attached could the fam really be to a cat we have only had a few weeks.

I have stopped squirting her for this sin, but by the third time, just grabbed her, forced her face into the bent branches of our fallen formerly pagan symbol, and dumped the water on her head. I think she gets it, the tree has lasted over two days now. If only potty training was that easy...and I am not talking about for my cat (who would do that)
