Tuesday, February 28, 2006

More blast from the past stuff.

Last thursday, I met someone at the church during C and C who I went to my old church, FBC, with. We were good friends there, worked together on stuff, ministered together at camp, etc. So it was great to catch p with her until she informed me that my old camp director, Rob, had split up with his wife, and was now living in the city with his two boys, but not his wife. I would like to catch up with him, but have not talked in 3 years, because of busyness, etc. I don't want to seem like the only reason I want to talk is because of his 'tragedy.' Is that rude to call him now?

It is emensely discouraging for me to hear that my mentor,the guy who pulled me aside in grade 12, let me counsel, next year taught me to program direct and gave me the job, next year Jr. Staff co-prdinator, next year speaker, basically holding my hand till the day I arrived at Ebenezer, is now not with his wife. This months after finding out that Amanda's old pastor, the guy who married us, has had a moral failing and though they are together, have lots of problems as a result.

Anyways, that is the next blast from the past.


Friday, February 24, 2006

Poured out like a drink offering

Extra Strength?

So it has happened, my body has changed, I ahve become what I spent 9 years trying not to. I now must take two extra strength Tylenol to get back to sleep at night, after waking from neck pain. I have spent the better part of my life using drugs sparingly, so that when you need them, for real, they work, and work well right now. Children's tylenol used to make me drowsy, like ony 3 years ago, and one regular strength anything would take care of the problem and any sleep needs for a few hours.

I liked that because many people around me all through high school and beyond pop pills for every little headache, as uposed to stretching out the tension, changing lifestyle, or toughing it out. Many of those same people do not experience the same relief I used to from one of anything, even a sniff of nyquill from the cap.

Anyways, i am no doctor, but I have now joined what I call the pain killer arms race, where the pain doesn't get worse, but your body's response to the help does. At superstore, you can't even buy regular strength anything as far as pain killers go. The whole shelf was either extra strength, or now 'super strength'. Yay, let's turn it up another notch.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Wow, lots of things to blog about, but I will limit it nd add tomorrow.

Blasts from the pasts...(pasts is spelled as I intended it, no spelling error in my eyes)

So this morning, as I was in Canadian Tire, I ran into an old employee of my dad's from construction years ago. I guess technically he was my employee since everything was in my name, and he always called me boss.He was in his early 60's back then, probably later now, and had a great work ethic. He worked harder than all the young punks who would show up, work 3 days, and try to claim workers comp, at which my dad would inform WCB that the person could not ahve worked hard enough to get hurt in any way.

Lou (older gent) was great at letting me try new stuff. He taught me how to weld, how to drive the zoom boom fork lifts well, and many other skills that come up often in my current position. Not everyone around me took the time to show me stuff like Lou did. He taught me to work on cars a bit, and he 'restored' my first car, the 86' Capri to original Jalepinio (sp) red paint, and great looking body.

Thanks Lou, for all you taught me. He respected me as boss, and treated me like a friend, maybe even a son. I learned from his many years of experience, but never once heard him talk back to me regarding any instructions 'from the top'. We had a short conversation in passing, but his impact on me will continue for years, as I strive to do whatever job I am doing well.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

YC Alberta...

I just finished registering 33 names for Youth Conference. They sell about 12000 seats of 16000 available in the first day. I fought to get in quickly once the web site openned registration, and was in in 12 minutes. Pretty good, and though many of my first choice seats were gone, we still got pretty good seats, I feel. it was so stressful, cause the seats you want disapear off the screen before you can click on them. It is like a video game.

I am confident I did the best we could, dedicating my whole morning to being ready to order online, but I still ahve this feeling inside that some kid will complain that we are not on the floor or lower level,etc, not understanding what those 12 minutes of fighting for spots was like.

Anyways, that's my post.
Happy to have YC tickets,

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Poured out like a drink offering

A good fiend of mine bought me a shirt yesterday. Very thankful, think I will wear it this Sunday. Reading the tags, it says 'resists wrinkles', lol. Game on! Let's see it resist wrinkles under my care!

Friday, February 17, 2006

21 signature salute. that is what it took to finallize moving into Silverpring. Moving away from a community that controls you by condo act. Moving walking distance to work, witrh a great back yard for Jake. Yeah. soon, very soon. But my hand is sore from signing stuff. my brain is tired from trying to understand what I was signing. It felt like the 'shell game' magic trick, with my money under one of the shells, only there were more than 3 shells.

Anyways, going to see the new house.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Poured out like a drink offering

Had 15 minutes of just worship through song/guitar to start my day (no one else in office) and it was great. Have to do it again some time. Anyone else ever tried that at work? Honestly, though, i just felt better, starting with that than just jumping right in.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Expectations, clarifications, and affirmations.

Today, I met my new boss. Ever done that? I respect him, and agree with and appreciate all he had to say. Some was possitive, some was suggestions, some were suggestions with teeth.

With the help of a good friend I have invited to do so, and no feedback from the rest of the peanut gallery, I will meet these expectations. I will maintain my career, which is more a calling, but still a profession which I have worked very hard to be qualified to do. Maintaining these expectations, and suggestions with teeth, will cost, but I will pay the price. Hopefully it does not change me too much, but I will pay the price, I will maintain this career that God gave me, and I am called to.

Can someone please teach me to iron? Don't repy generally, tell me when, and I will be there with a note pad and apron.

Hi there. This last week, I understnad a bit more of scripture. Jessu talks about coming for the sick, or the sick needing a doctor. Well, as of recent, our youh ministry is seeing more 'sick' who need a doctor, those who know they need Jesus. It is an interesting contrast between them and those who have taken 'Jesus' for granted. I hear of one who has walked 2 hours to get to youth, in the winter, or church, and think to myself, how does this line up with those who would skip based on personal preferences, even though they have a ride, and support from their parents. Anyways, ...

Friday, February 03, 2006

Alright, blog 2 days in a row...!

So, had my back scanned by a polititian I disagree with severly. i did not go for a political discussion, just further assessment of why I hurt except when I take ibuprofen, and the hurt is getting worse again. He did this bakc scan thing, which was very cool. It measured differences in temperature from one side of the spine to the other (variation = inflamation) and also measured electrical nerve activitiy all down the back, and compared it to normal numbers. (extra electrical nerve activity means pain, and nerves that do not communicate freely and effectively. (wonder if we should get all our personal relationships scanned by same machine)

Though many would not agree with Jimmy's view of Native Affairs in Canada, his little scanny thing proved exactly the areas that kill me lots (i speak good) and the degree of agrivation in those areas. I actually want to post the images, except that it would be wierd to post personal medical information, but it is available to show if it arrises in discussion...lol. I think we should all go there and get our backs scanned and compare, like trading cards maybe?

Just another tool as the team of people who try to help me, well, try to help me.
Thankyou Mr. Pankiw (that rhymes!)


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Poured out like a drink offering

Like a long lost friend...
I blog again: Robyn, do you want my password?

Well, two things to blog about, I will start with the small and unimportant. The deal, as of last night, on selling our house is officially closed, thus closing the deal on the new houe too. Now we are juggling possession dates and stuff, what is best for moving, vs. what the other parties will accept. If you are reading this blog, you are likely close enough a friend that you will be called on for that big day of moving, but for your services, I give you all first crack at the jetted tub.

Second..I will blog about tomorrow, thus seeming to blog more often. Buh bye