Thursday, February 23, 2006

Wow, lots of things to blog about, but I will limit it nd add tomorrow.

Blasts from the pasts...(pasts is spelled as I intended it, no spelling error in my eyes)

So this morning, as I was in Canadian Tire, I ran into an old employee of my dad's from construction years ago. I guess technically he was my employee since everything was in my name, and he always called me boss.He was in his early 60's back then, probably later now, and had a great work ethic. He worked harder than all the young punks who would show up, work 3 days, and try to claim workers comp, at which my dad would inform WCB that the person could not ahve worked hard enough to get hurt in any way.

Lou (older gent) was great at letting me try new stuff. He taught me how to weld, how to drive the zoom boom fork lifts well, and many other skills that come up often in my current position. Not everyone around me took the time to show me stuff like Lou did. He taught me to work on cars a bit, and he 'restored' my first car, the 86' Capri to original Jalepinio (sp) red paint, and great looking body.

Thanks Lou, for all you taught me. He respected me as boss, and treated me like a friend, maybe even a son. I learned from his many years of experience, but never once heard him talk back to me regarding any instructions 'from the top'. We had a short conversation in passing, but his impact on me will continue for years, as I strive to do whatever job I am doing well.


Joel said...

does he know this?

Jay said...

There are far too few people like that in this world... speaking of the current study of love & relationships...