Wednesday, March 12, 2008

To speak, or not to speak? That is the question.

Some book I read once stated that we are called to speak the truth in love to each other. Yet, really, we operate in a world where it is more acceptable to just mind your own business. It is actually easier to live that way too. What am I to do when even the people I might speak to would rather I don't.

This is not a spur of the moment blog or moaning about life right now necessarily. This is somehting I have been wrestling witha dn thinking about for 2 years, and i want to figure out what it means to be a godly man in this way now. REgarding the small groups, and ministries I lead, I have to beleive that God can change lives there, or wahts the point of doing them? What's the point of christian commumity if 'mind your own business' or 'it is easier to not talk about it' is the M.O. (did I use that law adn order term right?)

I agree that aperson should not go opoen season on every hurtful topic in public, under the cover of christian acocuntablity, but the status quo of lets just leave it no longer fits with me any more. I believe that we use sensitivity and tolerance as a clever disguise for 'I don't know what to say, I fear the cost if i do say something, or I care, but don't have time to face this with you right now'. I am guilty of all of those, adn I have sense things get worse or blow up completely because no caring person around saws what needs to be said.

I am guessing that if we reflect, there is more times I regret not saying something than saying something. Let me ask you, if anyone reads this, lol, do you ahv emore regrets about saying something or not saying something. has it been a bigger crime to open your big mouth (i mean that in the nicest posible way) or mind your own business (also in the nicest posible way). I would love your thoughts, experiences, and input into the balance and results here on this topic.

Thanks for reading, double thanks for a reply, and triple thanks to the youngest person I would call 'close to me' who recognized the toll that some if this is taking on me and asked if I wanted a bit of a break from other responsibilities. Your friendship and maturity astound me, and bless me.
Have a good day y'all!


Jay said...

Yup, I regret not saying something a number of times. Like when I was in EB Games, looking the the Left Behind game, discussing with the employee the game, the concept of Christians "killing" (indirectly allowing people to die or returning fire on the GC) as they do in the game. He asked the good old question "Why would God not simply let everyone into Heaven if He was so loving?" And stated his disbelief of Jesus being the only way. I didn't feel like a spiritual conversation/debate so I proceeded to meet my coffee companion. I should've stayed to talk.

Currently, or should I say for years, my 40 year old (going on 12) cousin needed a love boot in the behind. Any time someone tried to give him a nudge he simply used it as ammo to whine to others or mope harder. He's convinced I'm the remaining caring family member except for my mopey aunt in a similar mental state as he is. They love their pity-parties together. I may be the last encourager he has. I'm trying to tread gently when we talk, but maybe it's time for a time-to-grow-up chat.

Those are my significant regretted silences.

enji said...

everytime i've been in that situation- where i feel compelled to say something but frightened to i'm on my knees. if God's put this pull in my heart than i NEED to be stong and courageous- not terrified or discouraged- remembering that the Lord my God is with me, whereever i go. more than anything this is a chance for me to grow in faith. because i need to trust that this is something that is honoring to God, even if the immediate outcome frightens me. God's put a call on our lives to love. and i strongly believe that there is no doubt in your mind that a pull is coming from God there is nothing more important than to "speak the truth in love"
what are friends if they are not there to encourage wisdom, justice and righteousness in their actions? For someone to be really close to me, i will actually choose the person i believe is going to keep me accountable and isn't afraid of me keeping them accountable.
the last time i was in this situation was with a guy friend of mine who was dating a none christian. i wrote him a letter- because its so much easier for me to express myself in writing- that had the story of soloman loving foreign woman- 1 Kings 11 and i made sure to write that the reason i was telling him was that i loved him like a brother. i was praying for like half an hour before i gave him the letter and while he was reading. he responded really well to the letter- God is faithful. we had a talk about it afterwards and he didn't break-up with the girl, but i just found out this week that she gave her life to Christ while they were together. even though he didn't breakup with her, i was extremely glad i spoke out. i was scared to talk, but even more so, i was scared that if i didn't talk something would happen that couldn't be erased.
God is in control and he is willing to speak the truth in love to us. MIKE- its awesome that you're willing to take his example and choose to make a decision that would honor him. i believe speaking the truth in love really honors him.