Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The final word on 'outa shape' post which garnered lots of comments. I probably will only make brief mention of the physical realities that we will face down there, and how I ahve reflected on my own preparedness for that. Other than that, it is probably well meaning but insensative to say anything more.

As for comments, thanks. I appreciate thoughts on this kind of stuff. In fact it is more like what I would want to see in my blog. Hope you are alright with the issues brought forth, cause it will likely happen again, otherwise I would not bother having a blog.

I leave you with a quote from an e-mail I just recieved literally hours ago from Saddle Back Church, which can probalby get even more comments or thoughts...

Dear Saddleback Family;


Mondays - Wednesdays - Fridays at 6 p.m.

Meet at the Worship Center patio, Saddleback Church

Tuesdays - Thursdays - Saturdays at 6 a.m.

Meet at Rancho Santa Margarita Lake Amphitheater

As a result of the weekend services, thousands of people committed to taking a first step toward improving their physical and spiritual health in 2007. We are still processing the cards, but Saddleback is on its way to becoming the healthiest church in America!

Join us because we're better together! Above are 6 opportunities each week for you to fellowship, increase your energy, and strengthen your health at the same time. Bring an unchurched friend with you! What a great opportunity!

We'll have walking routines for all levels (easy, medium, and advanced) and we'll end with music and a prayer. DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR YOUR HEART! JOIN US FOR "WALK AND WORSHIP!" TONIGHT!

Pastor Rick

Friday, March 02, 2007

Outa Shape....

Yesterday I helped some friends in painting their new place, and by the end of the day, I was very tired and sore. I am not writing to complain,b ecause I enjoyed helping, but to bring up a thought.

When I went right from painting to a Mexico training meeting, I thought to myself, down there we will b edoing many kinds of work, including physical labour to help out. Should I teach, based ont eh painting lesson I learned, that there is a component of service and our worship through service that may apply to our worhsip through service that may mean we do a little to be mroe in shape, ready for the trip? It is probably a non issue for most of the team, who ar eyounger than me or don't ahve a desk job, so i am not sure if I should bring it up or just adjust my own life accordingly and be quiet.

I just thought to myself, in my current state, sinc esurgery (no longer a valid excuse) I will nto be able to go as hard out there as I did 2 years ago. Is it a part of my prep and worship through service to be physically ready to serve more out there? Should I alos teach a bit on this, and how?

Would love your thoughts.
