Wednesday, May 23, 2007

In mexico, having great time. team is amazing, and God is even more so.

God is doing things bigger than we could ahve ever planned. not into comparing trips, but anyone who worried this would be same as other trips need not worry. amazing things happening.



Jay said...

We pray for continued blessing & safety! I cannot wait to hear stories Mike. Angie & I will have to miss church Sunday as we'll be in Swift Current for my dad's birthday but I might need to drop in the office and have a chat one day once you're recuperated.

enji said...

yay for Mexico!! it was an awesome trip. yay even more for God!! he is an awesome God. and he's making miracles at home that i just never took the time to see before. life is good when you see the power of prayer.
hope your recuperating well this week. my prayers will be with you.