Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Poured out like a drink offering

Hello again, old friend.

Sorry i missed our Easter Date. I would like to start blogging again. I think I will, but the time away gave me whole new perspectives. i ahve no clue what God is doing, or if it is he doing it, or i that is assumptions that pastors make, but life is really interesting and intense, more inside than out, but whatever.
It makes me value or cherish true authenticity even more, and i find myself asking about the place of blogging in all that, cause i know that there are limits to authenticity available on a blog, becasue of teh nature of, well, the WWW.

Anyways, this is cool, and it has it's palce, so Pastor Pepsi rides again.
So, my thought for the day, I hate leaders who can't apologize. You confront them on soemthing, they redirect it, or deflect it, or whatever. I am not even sure I am willing to call them leaders if that is the case. I know that sounds udgemental, but this blog only has use to me if i can type raw thoughts to, so there it is.

Have a nice day. lol, and dont forget to appologize when needed.
(interested to see how long before there are actual readers again, lol


LJE said...

i told you, i checked every day, waiting for your return.

i too appreciate leaders who can apologize.

and i appreciate you being raw on this page, if you weren't raw and open and honest, i probably wouldn't read it.

Jay said...

Lynette completely said what I was thinking so I'll say diddo!

Robyn said...

I'm sorry.