Tuesday, February 28, 2006

More blast from the past stuff.

Last thursday, I met someone at the church during C and C who I went to my old church, FBC, with. We were good friends there, worked together on stuff, ministered together at camp, etc. So it was great to catch p with her until she informed me that my old camp director, Rob, had split up with his wife, and was now living in the city with his two boys, but not his wife. I would like to catch up with him, but have not talked in 3 years, because of busyness, etc. I don't want to seem like the only reason I want to talk is because of his 'tragedy.' Is that rude to call him now?

It is emensely discouraging for me to hear that my mentor,the guy who pulled me aside in grade 12, let me counsel, next year taught me to program direct and gave me the job, next year Jr. Staff co-prdinator, next year speaker, basically holding my hand till the day I arrived at Ebenezer, is now not with his wife. This months after finding out that Amanda's old pastor, the guy who married us, has had a moral failing and though they are together, have lots of problems as a result.

Anyways, that is the next blast from the past.



Joel said...

It's not rude to call him, but I wouldn't jump right in with, "Hey, I heard you and your wife split"...obviously, but you already knew that. Maybe God put it on your heart to call him to help him out like he helped you.

LJE said...

yeah, i think calling would be fine, you could just be like "I ran into so-and-so, and heard from her that you were living in the city, thought i'd give you a call and catch up!"

LJE said...

i remember in high school when we found out that our highly esteemed youth sponsor had gotten his girlfriend pregnant, that was a big blow to all of us.

It's a lesson for us all who are in leadership positions, especially with those younger than us who naturally look up to us. Our failings in these areas affect not only ourselves, but them as well. A good reason to be accountable and to support each other as a team.